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Ella is a gorgeous 4 year old, Calico Sphynx cat. We got her from a breeder. She was the most gorgeous kitten, loved her markings. She had many siblings but she caught my eye. Ella is a hairless cat, no fur, but she does have fur on her face, tail and paws. Ella is 6lbs, she's very tiny not big at all. Ella loves people and always greets them when they come to the door like a dog. She's got a bit of a attitude and is a bit crazy. But she is lovable, sweet and loves attention. She meows a lot I mean a lot. She loves to play and have fun with Max. Ella has medical problems, she has IBD which is Irritable bowel disease. She throws up when she eats and has loose stools. We did find a solution we got her off kibble and unto a raw diet which she loves. Although it doesn't completely keep her from throwing up it helps a lot and she's improved. Her favourite raw proteins are Duck, quail and rabbit. Ella is very smart and will pose for photos if she gets a treat. 




Zena is a adorable 13 week old, Blue Bambino kitten. We got her from a breeder. She was the only kitten with a tortie pattern. Once I saw her I know I knew I would get her. Zena is a hairless cat, no fur, she does have a bit on her paws and face. She's a bambino which is different from a sphynx. A bambino has short legs and a sphynx has long legs. The bambino has the munchkin short leg gene. 


Zena's a kitten and i'm still getting to know her. Once she's older I will update her story.


Max is a handsome 3 year old, Black Sphynx, we got him from one of are litters. He was so tiny, the runt of the litter. He's my boy. He has great markings, brown and black. Max is a hairless cat, no fur, but he does have a bit of fur on his face thats it. Max is 9lbs, he's a big boy. Max is shy and only likes people he knows. He's the sweetest cat ever, so affectionate. He purs all the time, he loves attention. Max has no health problems, he's really healthy. Max does have very oily skin and does get bad ear infections sometimes which is commun in the hairless breeds. Max eats a raw diet and does amazing on it. He loves it so much. His favourite proteins are chicken and beef. Max sleeps most of the day, he loves his sleep. He's also very smart and a happy kitty. 


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