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  • Writer's pictureGiselle Martin

Best Friends FURever!

Updated: Feb 21, 2018

José, Lupita and Hugo get along vary well. José and Lupita are brother and sister and have there fights here and there. Lupita gets jealous vary easily, she's overprotective. But when José and Lupita were puppies José would pick on her a lot. As she got older she learned to fight back. Lupita loves to play and chase José, it's hilarious.

I got Hugo when they were a year and a half. When Hugo came into the picture they didn't know what to think. José started to play with him and Lupita joined him. Within a week they were used to Hugo and liked him a lot. Hugo was scared but really started to like them. When he came he wouldn't eat treats or anything. Now he's super happy and will eat literally anything, if you didn't know he loves lettuce.

Them 3 do everything together, they play all the time, sleep together and wait for me to come home everyday. They do get jealous of each other sometimes, and want all my attention. Lupita is the only girl so she feels lonely sometimes. I have thought of getting another female? hmm guess you'll have to wait and see... Just kidding, I cant handle them 3 now but it may be possible in the future. These dogs love each other so much and I could never split them up. You'll stay with me and be together forever <3

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