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  • Writer's pictureGiselle Martin

Sphynx Personality: Are they similar to other cats?

Sphynx have one of the best personality's ever. They are affectionate, playful, crazy, happy, etc. Some say Their so ugly their cute. I think they are the most gorgeous, cuteness cats ever. They are so different and unique. If you didn't know Sphynxs are a exotic hairless cat breed, there's a few different other breeds, including Bambino, Elf and Dwelf that are Sphynxs with mutations (curled ears, short legs) they have the same personalities.

What are the qualities of a Sphynx?

- Loving and Affectionate

They love to be pet and will always come up to you for attention. They will rub on you, and sleep on you. They purr all the time, to show their love for you. Sphynx will never leave you alone. When you come home they will be right at the door meowing for your attention.

- Playful

Sphynx love to play. They have a dog like personality. Usually cats are loners but Sphynxs love having a friend. Its better to have more then 1. They love smacking and chasing each other. They love cat toys, things that make noise and teasers. If they want to play they wont leave you alone till you pay attention to them. Sphynx also love hair ties, they will steal them from you. A cat tree is one of their favourite things to play on.

- Curious

Sphynx are very curious. If your doing something, cooking or on your laptop they will be right there wondering what your doing. They love watching squirrels and birds outside.

- Friendly

They love making new friends. Some sphynx when someone comes to the door they will be right there wanting you to pet them. Some will wait for you to come pet them and they will be really happy about it.

- Sleepy

They sleep about 70% of the day. They sleep a lot. They love their nap time.

Which most cats love to sleep. They love to sleep on your head, chest, shoulders, they love to sleep on you basically.

- Happy

Overall they are happy kitties, as long as you dont t touch their tail or paws because they hate that.

Are they Similar to other Cats?

No I dont believe they are similar to most cats. They are very different and unique. They are similar to certain breeds, many breeds are different. Loving and affectionate is the quality that makes them the most different, no other cat compares to how loving these kitties are.

What's it like living with a Sphynx?

Your never bored. They always keep you company and sometimes wont leave you alone at all. Living with Ella, Max and Zena is so much fun. When I come home, all I hear is meows and the first thing the want me to do is feed them. They always want to sleep on me. They never hide, their always somewhere where I can find them. You need tons of blankets because their hairless they steal all your blankets to be warm. They do need sweaters too. They also love the sun when it shines in the house. They are high maintenance, they need their ears cleaned at least twice a week, nail beds cleaned twice a month, baths twice a month. Daily you have to wipe their eyes and clean their nose. Sphynxs to need more attention then other breeds because they dont have fur and their skin gets oily. Living with a Sphynx is the best, they do have a dog like personality.

Do your research before purchasing a sphynx and find a reputable breeder. Sphynx are such gorgeous cat breed that anyone would fall in love with. Hope you enjoyed this blog post.

Comment below if you'd like to see a post on the different breeds of Sphynx and their characteristics (coat colour, eye colour)

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