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  • Writer's pictureGiselle Martin

Ways to Improve Kibble Diets

Updated: Jan 2, 2019

Nutrition is very important and we want our dogs to stay happy and healthy. By feeding whole foods your dog will be healthier and have a healthier life.

Kibble isn't the best diet for your dog but if you cant afford raw or homecooked its your only option. Their are kibbles (dog food brands) better then others, its important to do research. DogFoodAdvisor lists the best and worst dog food brands.

Why should I add whole foods to kibble?

- Increase your dogs life span

- shinier coat

- cleaner teeth

- prevent health problems

- your dog will be heathier and happier

What Should I add to Kibble?

Raw Meat

Whole Rabbit Chunks

Raw and Cooked meat have many benefits for your dog. Its unprocessed and full of vitamins, minerals, protein, amino acids, and fats.

Vitamins and minerals are a lot higher in raw meat then kibble. Kibble is cooked in high temperatures and the vitamins/minerals demi niche, usually the companies will add artificial vitamins and minerals to the kibble.

Through recent studies once a bag of kibble is opened the vitamins and minerals demi niche quickly, its difficult to know if your dog or cat

is actually getting all the vitamins and minerals it needs. Protein and Fat from raw meat is a lot more beneficial then protein from kibble. Amino acids are directly from the meat when fed and are easily absorbed.

Raw meat is also easier for your dog to digest then kibble. You will notice a difference in your dogs stool, teeth and coat. Your dogs stool may become smaller, their teeth cleaner

and their coat shinier then normal.

Raw meat will improve your dogs overall health when fed with kibble.

If you choose to cook the meat for your dog dont add any seasonings, no salt or pepper. Seasonings can upset your dogs stomach and cause loose stools. Cooked meats nutritional value is different when cooked and still holds more nutrients then kibble. In fact when

cooked some meats have a higher vitamin or mineral then raw meat.

Fish or (fish oil)

BigCountryRaw Fish oil & Salmon Chunks

Fish provides a high amount of omega 3 and a small amount of omega 6.

Fish has many benefits and can improve your dogs overall health.


- Anti-inflammatory (great for arthritis)

- regulates cell activity and cardiovasculaire fonction

- improve brain and eye fonction

- improves mobility

- shinier coat


Chicken egg & Quail eggs

Eggs are very beneficial to your dogs health and affordable. You can get eggs at any grocery store.

You can feed chicken eggs, goose eggs, duck eggs or quail eggs.

Chicken, goose and duck eggs are for medium and large breeds

Quail eggs are perfect for small breeds, can be also fed to medium-large breeds.


- fatty acids for skin and coat

- great source of b vitamins, selenium, and phosphorus

- contains small amounts of vitamin d, e and a

- protein and fat

Your dog can also eat the shell raw, which is very high in calcium. You can feed eggs raw or cooked whichever you prefer.

Overall eggs are very healthy for your dog or cat and they love them.

Raw Bones

Chicken neck, wing & duck foot

Raw Bones are very beneficial for your dog. Only RAW bones NEVER feed COOKED BONES as they can splinter and cause a obstruction

Raw bone Benefits:

- cleaner teeth

- prevents gum dissease

- gets rid of plaque and tarter

- source of calcium

If feeding with kibble they shouldn't be fed more then 2-3 times a week as your dog can get too much calcium from the kibble and bones together and cause constipation.

Types of Raw bones:

Recreational: For chewing only, they dont eat the bone. They chew on the muscle meat on the bone. You should supervise your dog when feeding these types of bones

RMB: raw meaty bones with edible bone covered in muscle meat and tissus. Soft enough for your dog to eat.


beef knuckle bone, etc.

- Meaty beef bone

- beef knuckle bone



necks, feet, wings, ribs, whole quail, rabbit, tails, backs, etc

Goats Milk

Goats milk with curcumin & green mussel powder

Goats milk has many benefits and is more easily digested then other milk. Goats milk contains vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, enzymes, protein and fatty acids.

Easy tolerated for dogs or cats with digestive issues. Goats milk helps with poor digestion, loose stools, liver disease, kidney disease, Irritable bowel disease,


Goats milk has many benefits and is a delicious treat for dogs or cats.

Joint supplements

BigCountryRaw Green mussel powder, Curcumin powder & Hemp oil

Yours dogs mobility is very important. Joint supplements can help support their joints and help with health problems, Hip dysplasia, arthritis, luxating patella etc.

Types of Joint supplements:

Green mussel powder

- anti-inflammatory

- natural glucosamine, chondroitin, and omega 3

Turmeric (golden paste)

- anti-inflammatory

- great for pain

CBD oil (hemp oil)

- decrease inflammation

- reduce pain

Vegetables and Fruit

BigCountryRaw superfood blend (pureed vegetables)

Dogs are obligate carnivores they shouldn't receive more then 10-20% vegetables and fruit.

Fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals. Certain vegetables can reduce the risk of cancer and other health problems.

Its better to stick with leafy green vegetables, spinach, kale, broccoli, green beans etc. Only small amounts of fruit low in sugar. Its optional to feed fruits and vegetables.

Cats shouldn't receive any vegetables or fruit as its very difficult for to digest and their carnivorous.

Bone broth

Back to the Bone bone broth

Bone broth is full of minerals and vitamins with many benefits for your dogs and cats.

Perfect treat for the winter months when its cold outside.


- maintains a healthy gut

- supports your dogs immune system

- keeps your dogs joints healthy

- full of minerals, calcium, silicon, sulphur, magnesium, phosphorus

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